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Contingency Package

Contingency Package

Has your application been denied? Mend Immigration can help!

Every year, thousands of applications sent to Immigration Canada are denied because of avoidable errors. Sadly, your application can be one of them.

Incomplete information and missing documents can cause delays in the process, which can lead to refusals. Fortunately, at Mend Immigration Inc, we have the solution for you.

If Immigration Canada has denied your application, our Certified Immigration Consultants have put together a package to increase your chances of approval in your next request.  

This package include:
• Official Immigration Notes
• Application Review
• Detailed report of the application  

What is it about?
Our immigration professionals will request the Official Notes of the application to Immigration Canada. They will analyze the report along with your previous application to identify every detail that you should improve.

Finally, you will receive a detailed report explaining the review results and your best options to proceed.

How much will it cost?
• Normal price: $450 – $1,300  

Contact us for this package.