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Express Entry

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Complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth.

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Denouncing pleasure and praising pain was will give you a complete who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences,

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our successive work process

Blinded by desire that they cannot forese the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their through weakness shrinking.
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Workflow and
our successive work process

Blinded by desire that they cannot forese the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their through weakness shrinking.
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Workflow and
our successive work process

Blinded by desire that they cannot forese the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their through weakness shrinking.
Awesome Image

Workflow and
our successive work process

Blinded by desire that they cannot forese the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their through weakness shrinking.
Awesome Image

Express Entry

In January 2015, Immigration Canada implemented an electronic system called Express Entry to manage the Federal Skilled Worker, Canadian Experience Class, Federal Skilled Trades, and several Provincial Nominee Programs.

Stage 1 – Express Entry Pool profile creation: A candidate will need to fill out the forms with all required information (work experience, education, age, and others). Supporting documents are not required at this stage.

However, if the information provided is not accurate the application could be refused. If the profile is accepted, it will be in the Express Entry pool for up to one year.

At Mend Immigration, we can assess you on the best way to complete your application so you avoid any future problems, errors or omissions.

Stage 2 – Permanent Residence Application: Immigration Canada will choose the best profiles according to a point system and other factors (such as occupations in demand) on average once or twice a month. If an applicant receives an Invitation to Apply (ITA), they will have only 60 days to submit your Permanent Residence Application online.

In this phase, all the supporting documents must be submitted and be consistent with the forms registered in Stage 1. Since there is only 60 days to submit the application, we have implemented a priority system to deal with the Express Entry cases.

According to Immigration Canada, once they have received the complete application, they will process it within six months.

Canada Experience Class:

The Canadian Experience Class (CEC) program is one of the many programs offered through Express Entry (EE).


To qualify for the Canadian Experience Class program, the prospective immigrant must meet these requirements:


1.)  You must have one year of skilled work experience in Canada with a valid work permit.

2.)  Must plan to live in any province in Canada except for Québec.

3.)  Meet the minimum required language levels.


4.)  Have worked at least one year full-time (or equivalent in part-time) in the last three years in a skilled position (NOC skill level 0, A or B). These occupations can be managerial, professional, technical or experienced trades occupations. Some examples are Supervisors, Welders, Mechanics, Accountants, Nurses, Computer Programmers, Engineers, others.


Your application is evaluated in work experience, language ability, and admissibility to Canada under this program.

In all the permanent resident programs, spouses or common-law partners and dependent children may also be granted permanent residency as accompanying dependents.

Federal Skilled Worker:

The Federal Skilled Worker Program focuses on foreign skilled workers that have foreign work experience and wish to obtain Canadian Permanent Residency.


Federal Skilled Worker Program Requirements:


1.)  Have professional work experience of at least one continuous year of full-time paid work experience or the equivalent in continued part-time employment listed in the National Occupational Classification (O, A or B) in the last ten years.

2.)  A Canadian diploma, certificate, or credential, or a foreign educational certification, and an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) by an agency approved by CIC to show it is equal to a completed Canadian secondary or post-secondary academic credential.

3.)  Have enough money to support themselves and family for six months after arrival in Canada.

4.)  Score the minimum points.

Provincial Nominee Programs

Provincial Nominee Program applicants have the skills, education and work experience required by the province or territory that nominates them. They are ready to establish themselves successfully as permanent residents in Canada and make an immediate economic contribution in the region that selects them. Most provinces will require ties with the area or a job offer from a business within that province. There are some cases where this requirement is waived.

Mend Immigration can determine if you are eligible for any of the following PNP: 

• Alberta PNP
• Quebec PNP
• Ontario PNP
• Manitoba PNP
• Nova Scotia PNP
• Prince Edward Island PNP
• New Brunswick PNP
• Newfoundland and Labrador PNP
• Yukon PNP
• Saskatchewan PNP
• British Columbia PNP
Do you want to know if you are eligible for any of the program(s) and how you can apply?

Contact us for a free evaluation of your case.